AlaskaJobFinder has a lot of excellent information regarding cruise ship jobs that access or sail in Alaskan waters such as the Inside Passage. Getting onboard with a cruise ship is one of the best ways to make a lot of money in just a few months and to enjoy the beauty and excitement that goes along with cruising through Alaska!
One of the largest allures to working on a cruise ship is that many of your normal living expenses disappear while living onboard. This means that many cruise ship workers put in a lot of work hours, to earn large paychecks and end up spending practically nothing over the duration of their contract. The savings potential is huge and you get to enjoy the beauty and adventure of cruising in Alaska.
The allure of accessing this information through AlaskaJobFinder lies in the fact that many cruise ship jobs aren’t openly advertised in newspapers. Procuring a job, especially in some of the smaller cruise liners that sail in Alaska takes time, knowledge of the industry and information regarding what types of jobs are available on a liner. AlaskaJobFinder provides you with that information as well as tips regarding specific job descriptions and information on what it’s like working on a cruise ship in Alaska.
The cruise industry is growing and growing, in fact each year more and more people are taking cruises all over the world. Alaskan cruises, too, are also growing and from May to September when tourism is at its highest, cruise ships bring in thousands of people. Believe it or not, thousands of passengers who arrive from the lower-48 on mammoth vessels take excursions in Alaska on smaller ships!
Use AlaskaJobFinder to help you find a great job in Alaska!
One of the most idyllic aspects about cruise ship job is the enormous scope of work available to employees. Simply put, there is something for everyone when working on a cruise ship. While bigger liners and larger companies offer more jobs, boutique and harbor cruise liners in Alaska are common and workers usually find their responsibilities span more than one area. Workers tend you enjoy the diversity of jobs such as these, although there are pros and cons to working on a large or smaller ship.
Here are just some of the jobs available to someone interested in working on an Alaskan cruise liner.
Hospitality Staff – Perhaps the largest range of jobs exists in the hospitality arena of cruise ship jobs. Concierges, customer service representatives, liaisons between staff and travelers, baggage handlers, janitors, laundry workers, waitresses, bartenders, entertainers, childcare providers, desk workers, life guards and infinitely more are all probable jobs when working on an Alaskan cruise.
Kitchen Staff – Cooks, chefs, food prep workers, managers and other kitchen workers mean there is a large range of jobs when it comes to the kitchen and a cruise ship. From very experienced to no experience, there is a place for anyone who is interested in learning and working in this facet of cruise ship jobs.
Cruise Ship Crew – The boat crew consists of mechanics, engineers, deckhands, the Captain, a Captain’s assistant and other crew workers. While some experience is required for most of these positions an active interest in working your way up will surely land you on the boat crew eventually.
Shops – Working in the many shops and stores onboard a cruise line is another way to employ yourself while working and living on a cruise ship. Cashiers, store managers, and retail workers are all an integral part of the cruise ship team.
Sales – Sales workers might work on the cruise ship or they might be located off the ship selling trips and packages to people who call in or come into a land based cruise location. Sales people are needed to book trips and answer questions regarding cruising in Alaska. Most of these jobs are not located on the ship and allow people who work in those positions the advantage of company discounts, the enjoyment of working in the tourism industry, but allows them to stay in one place as opposed to traveling away from their homes and families.
Tour Guides and Land Tour Operators – Tour Guides or Land Tour Operators have the lucky job of leading excursions from the cruise ship onto land. They lead groups on hikes, offer tours, answer questions and even lead adventure excursions. Some workers live on the ship and assist the transport of travelers to and from the ship, while others are based on land, and greet different tour groups each day or week as they come in. Tour guides can be backpackers, nature experts, simply just a nature lover, rafting guides and so much more.
On small boats see:
As you can see, if you’re interested in working for an Alaskan cruise company you can easily find a job to pursue that fits your liking, job description qualifications and experience. Working for a cruise line, large or small, is also a great way to start off in the tourism industry and many liners are willing to train first timers. To access more information regarding the may different cruise ship jobs, different operating liners and for information on how to get onboard working for a cruise ship, be sure to check out the information in our member’s section.
Use AlaskaJobFinder to help your find your dream job. There are hundreds of open jobs right now. Simply click the button below to start your job search.